As a homeowner or renter, there are few things more frustrating than having your key snap in the blot. When this occurs, know what to do to prevent more damage and maintain access to your property. Here’s what to do when your key snaps in the lock!
Remain calm if your key snaps in the lock. Avoid panicking and forcing the broken piece out. Take a deep breath and assess the situation. It can be overwhelming when your key snaps in the lock, but keeping calm is essential.
Next, try using a pair of pliers or tweezers to gently pull out the broken piece of key. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or force, as this can cause further damage to the lock mechanism. If you’re unable to remove the broken piece on your own, it’s best to call a professional locksmith for assistance. Knowing what to do when your key snaps in the lock will save you time and prevent further issues.
f you can’t remove the broken key and need immediate access, consider alternative entry points. Use a spare key if available. Try accessing a window or back door. Call a trusted friend or family member who has access to your property. When your key snaps in the lock, alternative entry points can be invaluable.
Once inside your home, address the broken key and lock. Replace the entire lock if it’s beyond repair. If only part of the key is broken, have a new key made. It is important to manage the situation well when your key snaps in the lock.
To prevent future incidents of keys breaking in locks, it’s important to regularly maintain and lubricate your locks with graphite powder or silicone spray. Additionally, avoid using excessive force when turning keys in locks and replace worn keys before they break. Regular maintenance can help avoid the trouble of your key snarling in the lock.

In conclusion, having a key snap in a lock can be frustrating and stressful, but it’s important to remain calm and take the appropriate steps to address the issue. By following these tips and seeking professional assistance if necessary, you can ensure that your home or property remains secure and accessible. These are the steps to take when dealing with a snapped key in the lock!